There is concern about Corona worldwide. The elderly and children are all going through this difficult period, but there is another big problem on which the attention of the people is less, but it is increasing. There is talk of growing depression in children. It has grown to the extent that children have lived to suicide.

The problem is that like adults, it cannot be easily identified in children and adolescents. Therefore, the family as well as the doctors are also concerned. They do not understand how to help children.

Rachel Bushman, a clinical psychologist at New York’s Child Mind Institute, says that we associate childhood with innocence. In such a situation, depression in children is a matter of concern. Severe depression is visible in children aged 6–12 years. There is also a risk of anxiety disorder and depression in children.

Jonathan Komar, a professor of psychology at Florida International University, says parents should take these symptoms seriously. Take them out on the walk. Play outdoor games with them. In such a situation, they will get benefit from fresh air and sunlight.

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