Since 2001, India has committed USD 3 billion towards rebuilding and reconstruction of Afghanistan (in Parliament building, dams, electricity, community projects, safe drinking water etc) as reported at
But presently the future rather survival of the government of Afghanistan is threatened by the armed rebellion of the proclaimed terrorist organization Taliban (precipitated due to withdrawal of US forces from Afghanistan). Hence it is the moral responsibility of India, the leader of SAARC, to urgently help SAARC Member Afghanistan militarily, as given below:-
(1)- India should call emergency meeting of SAARC and in this meeting should say that even if J&K and Balochistan dispute between India & Pakistan are not resolved, Pakistan as member of SAARC is under obligation to provide land & air route through PoK & Gilgit -Baltistan (G&B) and Balochistan (which are under its administration) to ‘SAARC Peace Keeping Force’ (SAARCPKF).
(2)- At the same time India should open its land route to Afghanistan through Indian territory of J&K including G&B (and through Balochistan if it opts for India in plebiscite) for taking its military to Afghanistan (as part of SAARCPKF too). India should overcome Pak-resistance (if any) by offering & demanding that :-
(i)- There should be plebiscite in united J&K [as mandated not only by UN resolution but also by Instrument of Accession (IoA) of J&K to India by getting united J&K free from outsiders] and plebiscite in Balochistan (who’s IoA was taken by Pakistan under military pressure despite contrary resolution by Parliament / Jirga of Balochistan).
(ii)- There should be ‘dual-citizenship’ for about 80 million (about 20 % of present population of Pakistan and Bangladesh) forcibly displaced and descendants of such forcibly displaced Hindus / Sikhs (people should know that there was no provision of population transfer in ‘Indian Independence Act 1947’). And to further ensure (under military pressure of SAARC Security Council some thing like NATO ) proper law & order in present Pakistan & Bangladesh for these Hindus (Punjabis, Bengalis and Sindhis) who will go over there (after dual-citizenship) in their motherland as their citizens either for living over there or for touring or for doing business over there or for purchasing properties over there (similarly for Muslims forcibly displaced from India).
[This illegal forced population transfer has communalized the Indian subcontinent (also due to the fact that about 20% Hindu population was forced out from each of Pakistan & Bangladesh but Muslim population remained same rather increased little to about 15% in India and even more if illegal immigrants mainly from Bangladesh are taken into consideration). This was the main cause of many military conflicts in this region in the past and will be for many more in future if not reversed, through dual-citizenship].
(iii)- For any water dispute between member countries of SAARC a Commission should be constituted which will address any existing or future water dispute between SAARC members.
(3)- India should immediately resolve the Indo-China border dispute. The Indo-China border dispute is legal unlike the dispute with Pakistan, which is political. Hence it can easily be resolved by referring it to the ‘UN Judicial Commission’ which India should insist that China can’t refuse being a permanent member of the UN.
(4)- India should not unnecessarily pick-up animosity with China. Being an Asian country China has made spectacular economic progress and has taken-out tens of millions of its people out of poverty. Hence India being an Asian country should be happy about it and should learn from China whatever is possible and should cooperate with China without compromising on any of its core ideology and principles. For this India should:-
(i)- Come out of QUAD because maritime dispute resolution is the responsibility of UN and not of individual member countries
(ii)- Provide facility of sea port like Kandla-port etc through the land route of India for Chinese goods (this will be economically beneficial to India too).
(5)- No military expedition (as likely for Afghanistan) can be carried out successfully by an economically weaker country hence India should urgently improve its economic power and fulfil the basic needs of its people. For this to happen the Government of India (GoI) should recover the huge State-capital (Income tax) of Rs about 1,000 Lakh Crore (Trillion) from about one million fake farmers. as mentioned at and
(6)- Two third of India is fully or partly dependent on farm income and farmers were committing suicide in hundreds of thousand due to non-remunerative prices of farm produce hence presently they are agitating for mainly the ‘Legally Enforceable Minimum Support Price’ (LEMSP) of presently 23 items (which farmers are demanding to increase to about 40 items including for fruits, vegetable, dairy products etc). Huge State-capital will be required by GoI to build infrastructure (like outlets, mandis, godowns, cold storages, transport facilities etc) for procuring most of these 40 items because despite laws for MSP the private players will not purchase these items at MSP (as despite ‘Minimum Wages Act’ the private contractors pay less than minimum wage and get signatures on minimum wage of the poor laborers). Same will be the fate of poor farmers also (because average land holding in India is merely less than 2 Hectares which has also denied the benefit of labor laws to farm laborers, poorest of the poor). Hence with this huge State-capital of Rs about 1,000 Trillion the GoI should :-
(i)- Solve the problem of livelihood of the overwhelming majority of India through LEMSP and the said ‘Comprehensive Public Distribution System’ (CPDS).
(ii)- For financing ‘Modified Employees State Insurance’ (MESI, having adequate network of dispensaries, hospitals etc all across India) in which contributions will be given by all employees (in organized & unorganized sectors of entire India who are not covered by any other medical insurance) and their employers and government and will be managed by the representatives of employees, employers and government. How much this MESI is the need of the hour has been highlighted sufficiently during the Corona pandemic, especially during its second wave.
(iii)- For constructing residential and commercial buildings (in such residential areas) all over India which will be given on rent to be decided by ‘Statutory Rent Commission’. This will not only solve the problem of housing due to increased mobility in the growing service economy but will also go a long way in urgently solving the problem of unemployment in India.
(7)- India should make it clear to Afghanistan in said ‘Emergency SAARC meeting’ that India will help the Afghanistan government militarily only when Afghanistan adopts a secular constitution (because it is theocratic constitution which gives rise to Taliban etc). India can tell Afghanistan that religion survives in secularism also, as Hinduism, Islam, Christianity etc are surviving in secular India. Some confused secularists think that the religion should be kept away from State matters which is an absurdity (because this ill-conceived policy has allowed religions to enjoy immense wealth, and influence while their followers are weeping & bleeding profusely in hundreds of millions all over the world like followers of Islam in Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen, Palestinians etc). Rather genuine secularism expects that religion should deal exclusively with the other-worldly matters whereas religion being the custodian of the values of contemporary society (in this way) should deal with this-worldly matters too, otherwise religion will not be relevant to the people. Therefore (while keeping the other-worldly matters of the religion away from the matters of secular State) Afghanistan should allow rather should expect all the religions in Afghanistan to buttress and protect the secular democratic State of Afghanistan, also by recognizing the right to freedom of religion as a fundamental right of Afghans.
It is hoped that India will assume the leadership of the SAARC region (first by solving the problem of its member Afghanistan) by offering immediate & effective military help to it and by taking similar contributions of help from other SAARC members for SAARCPKF in Afghanistan.