The two days visit started on March 31 of Russian Foreign minister Sergei Lavrov to India where he met not only India’s Foreign Minister Jaishankar but PM Modi too (for delivering personal message of Prez Putin to PM Modi) has lost all the importance & meaning not merely due to the reason that on Thursday itself the USA (through visiting US Deputy National Security Adviser Daleep Singh) issued a stern warning rather threat to India from its capital Delhi that – “[There will be consequences for countries actively attempting to “circumvent or backfill” American sanctions against Moscow for its invasion of Ukraine. The USA would not like to see a “rapid” acceleration in India’s import of energy and other commodities from Russia and  would not like to see mechanisms that are designed to prop up the rouble or to undermine the dollar-based financial system or to circumvent our financial sanctions. The USA stands ready to help India in meeting its requirement of energy and defense equipment by reminding rather warning that China and Russia have now declared a no limits partnership, and that Russia has said that China is its most important strategic partner, by extension, that has real implications for India because Russia is going to be the junior partner in this relationship with China and that would be detrimental to India’s interests because the more leverage China gains over Russia, the less favorable that is for India and  if China once again breaches the Line of Actual Control, Russia wouldn’t come running to India’s defense, as reported at ].

This visit of Lavrov to India has lost importance & meaning not due to said US-threat but for the simple reason that Russian is still not prepared to establish an alternate global political order as explained below:-

(1)- The USA has been running (through the UN with head office at US soil, New York) global political order since 1945 after World War II which has become truly global after unprecedented progress in modern science & technology (especially in IT-sector). Hence now uni-polar global political order is not only inevitable but imperative too. But the people all over the world have been complaining about following major drawbacks in existing UN- system:-

 (i)- The prime responsibility of the UN is to protect the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of its 193 members and to resist gross violation of human rights of the people including of the smallest country. But the UN has consistently failed to do it, the latest is the case of Ukraine.

(ii)-  The USA has not been giving due importance to the UN and allowed the address of global issues through number of alliance & forums like NATO, AUKUS, Quad, BRICS, ASEAN, SCO, OIC etc

(iii)- The 5 promoter members of the UN have veto rights but USA, UK and France are constantly fighting with Russia and China which has made the UN dis-functional. At the top of it the USA expects non-veto countries (like India) to share the martial responsibilities of the UN. The USA has conveniently forgotten the ‘war of independence’ which was fought by the USA (its 13 colonies) in 1776 on the principle of ‘no taxation without representation’ but now the USA wants to tax (about martial burden) the non-veto countries without giving them any representation in the UNSC.

(2)- Through Ukraine war, Russia has demolished the global order of the UN and now Russia can  easily establish an alternate global political order the ‘United Participatory Nations’ (UPN with head office at Moscow) in which the above mentioned drawbacks of UN global order will not be there, as mentioned below:-

(i)- No country will have veto right in UPN but voting right to every member country commensurate with its contribution of men (specially military), money and material (specially military) and its record of human rights.

(ii)- The people even in developing countries want human rights to be enforced in their countries, as is evident from the example of Afghanistan too. But the vested interests of the medieval mindset don’t allow it on ground. Hence human rights of the people should be enforced by ‘Mandatory Protocol’ MP-1 (instead of meaningless & toothless ‘Optional Protocol’ OP-1 of the UN) even by military intervention of UPN (through the mechanism of ‘UPN – Human Rights commission’ and National & State Human Rights Commission of the member countries of the UPN).

(iii)- Even in a secular country religion is the custodian of the values of the society. Because the West led by the USA failed to realize this fact, hence failed  to establish global order through the UN. Therefore Russia should not commit the same mistake. Rather UPN should ensure religious freedom (through said MP-1 if needed) where people all across the world can convert to other religions out of their free choice.

(3)- The UPN will click within no time if it solves as mentioned below, on utmost priority, the problems of Muslims & Hindus (forming substantial part of the mankind and who have been left behind in the UN system mainly because their chronic and some recent problems have not been solved by the UN led by the so-called leader of the free world the USA):-

(i)- The UPN can ensure plebiscites in united J&K (mandated by IoA of J&K to India) and in Balochistan (who’s IoA was taken by Pakistan by military pressure despite contrary resolution by its Parliament / Jirga).

(ii)- The UPN can ensure ‘dual citizenship’ to about 160 million Hindus. Sikhs and Muslims (and their descendants) who were forcibly displaced from their motherland during partition (from India, Pakistan and Bangladesh) which has not only communalized the Indian subcontinent, thoroughly (which is the biggest hurdle in the path of progress of Indian subcontinent) but has also made partition of India illegal because there was no provision of population transfer in ‘Indian Independence Act 1947’. Moreover the UPN can intervene militarily (if necessary) in case India, Pakistan and Bangladesh fail to provide proper law & order to these Hindus, Muslims and Sikhs who would go there with ‘dual citizenship’.

(iii)-  Unlike Indo-Pak dispute (which is political, on J&K), the Indo-China dispute is legal hence the UPN can easily resolve the Indo-China border dispute through a ‘UPN Judicial Commission’ (with members nominated by India, China and UPN) by keeping human rights of the Tibetans in view.

(iv)- By discarding absurd, unjust and mischievous two-State-solution, Russia can ask Palestinian refugees (registered with the UN or not) to assemble at borders of Israel-Palestine and then these Palestinian refugees may be asked (by informing the PUN) to peacefully march and enter in the Israel-Palestinian in the interest of realizing one-State-solution where all the Palestinians will live as citizen of this one Sate of  Israel-Palestine.

(v)- The problems of Syria, Yemen etc can easily be solved by  the UPN by arranging elections in these countries under the supervision of ‘UPN Election Commission’ and (if needed) then by deploying ‘UPN Peacekeeping Force’.

(4)- If Modi has already not said so to Lavrov during their personal meeting on April 1 then now Modi should get it conveyed to Putin that it will not be possible to either support Russia or even to maintain a equidistance / non-aligned policy about Ukraine war for the simple reason that Russia is not prepared to establish alternate global political order through said UPN.

(5)- India shouldn’t forget the recent history of Marathas who could win battles but failed to establish an empire. During the late 17th to early 19th century Marathas in India won many battles against the Mughal empire and destroyed it but failed to provide an alternate empire in India. On the contrary, during the 1857 uprising against the Britishers /  East India Company  the Marathas chose the last Mughal emperor Bahadur Shah Zafar as their leader in the first’ war for Indian independence’. Similarly through the Ukraine war presently Russia may be having some military advantage but it may be incapable of establishing an empire (an alternate global political order).

(6)- Despite the Ukraine war, if the West led by the USA is left to lead the global political order (through the UN or otherwise) then it will punish Russia in a way which will pale, the humiliation & suffering out of dismemberment of the USSR, into insignificance.

Therefore India (in case Russia is found to be not interested in establishing alternate global political order) should be careful and formulate its Ukraine policy by keeping in mind that –  now even the so-called ‘equidistance / non-aligned’ policy of India will not be tolerated by the USA.

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