Guilt could be a consequence of lots of things or people, cause some people can make you feel guilty even you did nothing wrong, so to overcome guilt you need to understand the reason that is causing that guilt and clearly understand what caused this emotion, and what triggered the action causing this guilt, you can write it down on paper and write down how it makes you feel, the next step is to think what can you do to not have this emotion again, and let go of this emotion once you’re done with all of this, holding on to this emotion will result in other unpleasant emotions that may lead to change who you are, you need to accept that you’re a human being meant to fail in a point or another and learn to live with your imperfection as a human being and find a way back to your good nature and morals.

Forget your past and keep struggling on your present…because time never return. Enjoy the present

It’s kind a like you forgive someone else.

When they do wrong to you, they apologize and promise not to do it again, right?

Same thing should happen in your situation.

You sit with yourself, clear your mind completely, apologize out loud and make a decision not to do wrong to yourself ever again

Convert the cause of guilt as experience and take it as lesson, do not repeat if it is pardonable. Some guilts are not pardonable you have to carry lifelong. But by repenting you can reduce your pain.

Many of us tend to be our own worst critic. If we realize a mistake and learn from it, then we need to bury it and move forward. If it involves a wrongdoing toward another, then attempt to make amends. Even if they don’t forgive you, you can yourself for trying to make right.

You just have to forgive yourself. Just understand that you are also human being who can makes mistakes. Nobody is perfect. So, don’t expect it also from yourself.

Be honest, seek knowledge, have integrity, forgive others (let go of anger and envy), live a sincere life, and be a good person. Nothing else is needed. If you are compassionate, respectful and positive you will naturally become strong.

I will be back my dear friends with another issue and its solution. Take care

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